Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hump Day Crush

I went to Highline Ballroom to go and see The Roots work their weekly jam session last night. The music was awesome and the guests were phenomenal, especially considering the tickets are a recession friendly $10.  Totally satisfied with the performances, and crazy solo jams, there was a last crazy surprise guest - Q-Tip - who has earned top honors this week.  
Whether during his Tribe Called Quest days (below) or last night (above) dude looks good and sounds even better.  Okay, so he may have been a little cheese-y during 'Vivrant Thing' and 'Breathe and Stop' days, but I dare you to listen to either and not get the hook stuck in your head for days.  His smooth flow and clever vocals tell a story, where his floating higher pitched voice is somehow charismatic and allows him to get away rapping things that other people would just sound vulgar or banal saying.  Q-Tip can kick it, yes, he can. xx

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