Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So Fresh and So Clean, Clean

The Roots.  I can't get enough and love that I can get a daily dose from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  Whether rocking the slow jam, freestyling songs about the audience or performing with Public Enemy, the thing I appreciate the most are their intro songs for guests while walking on the set.  Here is a list of recent ones that impressed me fully.

Mike Meyers - a musical version of his "woman, wo-man" poems from 'So I Married an Axe Murderer' (a personal favorite movie)

Glen Close - 'Close to You', only change the words to 'Glen Close to You'

Kristen Wiig - 'Wiggle It' (which totally took me back to high school!)

If you had your choice, what would be your theme song?  
A strong contender for me would be the title of this post...xx

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