Chester French. I had heard about them a while back (Harvard grads who Pharrell and Kanye both wanted on their respective labels), heard some songs, saw them perform on some late night shows, but wasn't 100% convinced on them until I saw them live at Summerstage this past weekend. They rocked the crowd with their performance, were hilarious and DA, the red-headed lead singer somehow managed to pull off powder pink jeans. Also awesome was the fact that he seemed genuinely into their fans, taking the time to chat, hug and mug for pics.
Their debut album is a great listen, but mostly, what won me over was their free mix tape entitled 'Jacques Jams vol. 1'. (so clever!) As if stirring up a bidding war between Kanye and Pharrell to sign them wasn't enough, Chester French busted out collaborations with both of them, plus, Bun B, Diddy, Jadakiss, Talib Kweli, Common and Lady Gaga, etc. The beats are pretty sick, the songs are catchy, and the duo is charismatic and cheeky enough to pull off lyrics like:
-'but those eyes in your head, well they butter all my bread, and I'm looking for a girl who feeds me well'
-'bow tie is straight, ascot looks great, ready to lay some pipe'
-'she craves attention, so I use protection'
-'you're my Puerto Rican Pamela Lee'...
without seeming douche-y. Don't even get me started on the skits re: endurance or swimming in Ciroc filled pools.
I thoroughly enjoy when one of their songs/skits comes on the shuffle mix, so much so that I get myself into trouble when walking down the street and I giggle to myself. Doesn't hurt that the dudes are cute too! Chester French you are my hump day crush. xx.
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