I have rando taste in music - like with most aspects of my life I am an 'equal opportunity employer', but have a very low tolerance for country. I almost always have something on. I need the background noise. This habit also helps feed my mind's insatiable appetite for lyrics. If this portion of my brain held astrophysics instead, my life would be completely different today. Little known fact, every blog post I write, with the exception of hump day, is a song lyric that relates to the thought.
So, yesterday a friend asked if I had any new suggestions to update her ipod workout mix, the only requirement was that it was upbeat and something I was really feeling lately. Here is what I could suggest.
N.A.S.A - The Spirit of Apollo

North America South America. Two djs making bonkers remixes. It makes me think of that Friends episode where Rachel makes a dessert trifle with hamburger and Joey still eats it. 'What's not to love? Custard, good. Cake, good. Beef, good.'
The Virgins - The Virgins

This has been around for a while, but only recently, I can't seem to get enough of it. It makes me want the summer to be here already. Maybe if I listen to it enough it will finally get warm.
And the other songs I thought of were throwbacks to my middle school days...
ABY - One Way Love
Club Nouveau - Rumors
Whitney Houston - How Will I Know
Anything else that I should pass on to her? xx