So, yesterday a friend asked if I had any new suggestions to update her ipod workout mix, the only requirement was that it was upbeat and something I was really feeling lately. Here is what I could suggest.
N.A.S.A - The Spirit of Apollo

North America South America. Two djs making bonkers remixes. It makes me think of that Friends episode where Rachel makes a dessert trifle with hamburger and Joey still eats it. 'What's not to love? Custard, good. Cake, good. Beef, good.'
The Virgins - The Virgins

This has been around for a while, but only recently, I can't seem to get enough of it. It makes me want the summer to be here already. Maybe if I listen to it enough it will finally get warm.
And the other songs I thought of were throwbacks to my middle school days...
ABY - One Way Love
Club Nouveau - Rumors
Whitney Houston - How Will I Know
Anything else that I should pass on to her? xx
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