I was impressed with the set up - the nice escalators, a Shake Shack (the line was nuts!) and flat screens set up in the seats that had a partial view. Our tickets were $5 off of Stubhub, normally $19, in the upper deck in left field. It was nice to be that high since we were getting a cool breeze on a hot hot night, but I don't recommend it if you are going to watch a tight game. It is a funny angle since the upper deck hangs over the left fielder so you can really see any balls hit/caught there. But we still managed to have a good time!

But more impressive than the clean new stadium, was what I saw on the plaza in front of the coming off of the 7 train. This dude. In a prime location, unable to be missed when walking to the stadium. In a Mets uni, yellow Oakley blades, chilling with a pipe. He had a jug in front of him set up, saying to take a pic and donate to him!
So being a sucker I did. I was waiting for friends who were running late, and ended up observing him for a good hour - his owner stood off to the side, and packed him up to take him home after the opening pitch. Can't knock the hustle!
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