Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hump Day Crush
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hump Day Crush

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hump Day Crush

I absolutely love that she is still so into what she does, and believes in it so strongly, when she has been working at the same institution for 20+ years. I don't know whether it was her former model days, her brush with adversity via her car accident or her flaming red hair that fuels it, but she is amazing both as a person and in the styling she executes. And she knows the careful balance of how to work the system. I admire all she's accomplished - I know I have definitely flipped through many of her stories and just drooled and dreamed of fantasy. I hope that I can be that cool and passionate about what I do at her age. Grace Coddington, you are my hump day crush.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hump Day Crush

"It's the little taste that makes them go, and keeps them here year after year for these key afternoons. It gives this. Broadway is generous and knows that if it did not dollop out, it would be dried up. These occasional gifts cost nothing. Terrible and generous. Broadway knows that every footfall is its heart beating, that we keep its blood flowing. Broadway knows that if this secret ever got out it would be empty, so periodically it offers a glimpse. It costs nothing, this harmless jousting."
Colson Whitehead's version of NYC is this week's hump day crush. xx.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hump Day Crush

Mark Ronson, you are this week's hump day crush. xx
Monday, August 31, 2009
Let Me Take You to the Max...
Saturday August 29, 2009 @ Nokia Theater in NYC Times Square. I went to see Q-Tip, Mark Ronson and DJ Spinna, in a tribute concert to celebrate Michael Jackson, on what would have been his 51st birthday.
It was pretty nuts - three djs, many MJ fans dressed up in his iconic looks (most prevalent was Billie Jean). Basically the 2500 person capacity theater turned into a giant sweaty dance party.
Instead of rocking out to the air guitar, Mark Ronson broke out his air trombone and Q-Tip found his air trumpet. I must say the two dudes danced and it was v v cute.
Q-Tip then pulled a bunch of rando girls up on stage, Mark Ronson had disappeared, I sweat all the make-up off and was ready for a pitcher of water. Friends I showed up with were no longer there - some were pooped, sat in the chairs and lost their steam, some got separated in the crowd and headed out earlier since they had to work the next day. I experienced a good chunk of the concert on my own, but man was it a good time. It was almost 4am and it was time to hit the city lights. xx
You taste just like glitter...
Ok, so I caved a little early this year on the Barneys Warehouse Sale. But in my defense there were special circumstances - an extra 40% off of discount prices for all women's designer clothes and shoes started early!

I was worried that it is too precious and special to wear often, but I thought about it. Why waste it just chilling in the closet? So I wore it today - to work - over a white Hanes V-neck tee and ripped boyfriend jeans. It was fun to wear something pretty fancy, really dressed down on just a plain old regular day. I highly recommend it to kick off your week. xx
After trying on a sick pair of Givenchy peep toe zip front booties, and getting both sides of shoes in my hand (no small feat), I threw them back to the ocean and walked away.
And I am glad I did.
I came back the next day, last Friday, and spent my afternoon digging through the racks. After trying on a bunch of stuff. Marni ruffled poplin top (wrong color), green metallic Lanvin heels (these were so sick but hard to wear in real life), Louboutins (suede MaryJanes - nice but slingback, too tough to walk in), a bunch of denim, and some random Dries pieces, it came down to the final heavyweight bout. Marni black open toe knee high boots from the Fall 08 runway vs a Dries Van Noten sequined cross back, backless apron top (although I have no intention to wear it bare and backless).
I loved the Dries Spring 09 show - stunning and easy to translate into real life. And when I saw the collection in the stores, I remember drooling over the sequined pieces.
And as for the Fall 08 Marni show, I have the lookbook hanging over my desk, and I can always use a good pair of black boots!

After some deliberation and a few phone calls, I went with the Dries. Actually the tipping point was when I walked 5 steps in the Marni boots and the inside stitching was rubbing against my baby toe.
And am so happy with my decision. The top is entirely hand stitched - ribbons (4 different types of ribbon), 4mm and 6mm sequins (flat, cup, and faceted shapes for 6 different types of sequins), bugle beads, round beads, white grosgrain straps and a silk charmeuse lining. My favorite part of the top besides the price (normally $1400, I got it for $251, 82% off!) is the play on matte and shine and the texture.
The darker matte flowers in the picture below are actually multiple 4mm flat sequins stacked on their side and threaded through, then stitched to form the flower petals. Beads are sewn on sequins to create mini-flowers. Bugle beads are stacked and threaded in loops to add dimension. It is an amazing layout and fantastic handwork - it made it through a season on the selling floor, plus the crazy wilderness of the warehouse sale, without losing any beads. Click on the pic below for the zoom in.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Oops I fell over. I fell over again.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hump Day Crush
So the much hyped up 3rd season of Mad Men kicked off two weeks ago and the cast has been making the rounds promoting the show.
But this weeks crush is on Vincent Kartheiser, the guy who plays Pete Campbell. There is something about the fact that he seems pretty cute in real life, but plays a huge weasel for his day job that is really appealing. Vincent Kartheiser, not Pete Campbell, you are this week's hump day crush. xx
There is the dreamy Don Draper that every lady focuses on for his smoldering looks, position of power and terrible decision making while drinking during work. Played by Jon Hamm, he is dreamy out of character and pretty funny too. Also, there is the voluptuous Joan Holloway, who is adored by men and women for knowing how to use her curves, making sure everyone knows she is the queen bee, but complex enough to have a sensitive side. Played by Christina Hendricks, she gets praised for her curves in real life. And then there Pete Campbell. Who is hated by almost everyone for being a weasel who is not above blackmailing his boss, impregnating a co-worker while married, and overall just being a jerk.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Everyday We Hustlin'...
So I finally made a trek out to CitiField this past week!

I was impressed with the set up - the nice escalators, a Shake Shack (the line was nuts!) and flat screens set up in the seats that had a partial view. Our tickets were $5 off of Stubhub, normally $19, in the upper deck in left field. It was nice to be that high since we were getting a cool breeze on a hot hot night, but I don't recommend it if you are going to watch a tight game. It is a funny angle since the upper deck hangs over the left fielder so you can really see any balls hit/caught there. But we still managed to have a good time!

But more impressive than the clean new stadium, was what I saw on the plaza in front of the coming off of the 7 train. This dude. In a prime location, unable to be missed when walking to the stadium. In a Mets uni, yellow Oakley blades, chilling with a pipe. He had a jug in front of him set up, saying to take a pic and donate to him!
So being a sucker I did. I was waiting for friends who were running late, and ended up observing him for a good hour - his owner stood off to the side, and packed him up to take him home after the opening pitch. Can't knock the hustle!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hump Day Crush
The Barneys Warehouse Sale. A twice a year phenomenon, there is something so exciting to look forward to about the two week sale held in a Chelsea warehouse. I can feel my pulse quicken when I think about the racks of possibilities - Barneys - at great prices!
There is a lot of strategizing involved, everyone has a different tactic. I know other people who like to go at the start and scope out what they like and hope that they can hunt for it later. I am not that disciplined. In the beginning, a lot of the prices are what they were when the clothes were still in the store. It isn't easy to resist a deal at Barneys in the store, but it's a lot harder when you see the clothes racked up on plastic hangers and shoved tight on racks in a warehouse. Your mind plays tricks on you!
My strategy includes waiting until the last half of the sale, usually until the last several days when the prices are discounted on top of discounting. I usually like the two days before the last day, you get discounts but not the last minute crazy crowd. Also key is wearing something that is easy to change in and out of, and underwear you are comfortable standing around in front of strangers in since there are no changing rooms. Wear slip on shoes for easy trying. And I really like going by myself, with my ipod and a small bag so I don't have to check it at the door - zoning out and hunting the field at my own pace. This also prevents friends talking you into buying things and limits the amount of crap you can try on and carry around.
I have usually scored at the sales, especially the Spring/Summer sale that happens to start tomorrow in NYC (8/20). Spring/Summer weight clothing in neutral colors are the easiest to wear year round, so you can get the most bang for your buck.
-Chanel peep toe lace up wedge booties. Regular price $1285, I paid $400.
-Ksubi jeans. Regular price $290, I paid $45. (picked up a bunch of washes!)
Here is a snippet of what I have racked up over the past several years, specifically at the Spring/Summer sales:
-Marni platform knee high camel boots. You can't see in the pic but the heel is awesome. Regular price $915, I paid $180

-Balenciaga pants. Regular price $285, I paid $50 (black and the best shade of army green)
-Men's Earnest Sewn x Canada Goose waxed canvas jacket. Regular price $1000ish, I paid $300 (3 jackets in 1)
-Dries Van Noten shantung vest with metal sequins, Regular price $680, I paid $160.
So now you know where I will be in about two weeks. But for now, I will be giddy with anticipation over this week's hump day crush - the Barneys Warehouse Sale. xx
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I love game, I love game...
For some reason this summer, I don't have the attention span to sit down and read - I have no ability to concentrate on a book long enough to get into it. Which is really a shame, but I guess it is something about wanting to shut my brain off. So I took my brain out for a mini-vacation to see 'Paper Heart'. A movie about the making of a documentary movie. Kind of a mind warp, but the movie was cute, funny and awkwardly awesome.
Some favorites about the movie without giving too much away:
-The movie incorporates paper dioramas and puppets that were really charming and sweet. It reminded me of the school projects I would always wait to the last minute to finish when I was little, and my Mom helping me build dioramas about 'Swan Lake' or Abraham Lincoln.
And that fifth grade quality to these scenes just enhanced their awesomeness.

-The main character Charlene is refreshingly unpolished and un-girly.

-Michael Cera. Love him and his awkwardness.
-Another parallel story line is getting other perspectives on being in love. From couples to kids, to a girl on the playground who thinks the ideal date is hot wings at Applebees.
-And the overall idea that a female is curious on if she was really incapable of falling in love.
Take a break from this heat and go see for yourself. And if you play your cards right maybe someone will take you out for hotwings. xx
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hump Day Crush

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Why you all in my ear, talking a whole bunch a sh*t I ain't trying to hear?
For three months I have been living the life of a platinum blonde. The one constant question I keep getting asked is 'Do blondes really have more fun?' - it was cute the first time I heard it - after three months of being blonde, it is officially old. So here is my definitive response. I don't know if blondes have more fun since I try to maximize the fun quotient in my life no matter the hair color. But what I do know is that the blonde brings out the crazy.
Some reason people think that I can and have to listen to their judgement on my actions - why I went blonde, what they think of the is a tally of some of my experiences both good and bad:
-Two on street marriage proposals from random passersby.
One happened while I was wearing sunglasses which covered most of my face, in front of my apartment and had to walk an extra block to avoid letting the crazy know where I live.
-Supportive family and friends - who were kind enough to be awesome (at least to my face!)
-A man I work with telling me everyday he sees me that he hates the color and it makes my face look even fatter
-A random man asking me 'hey blondie - where's dagwood?' on the street. Had my first 'blonde' moment when I thought Dagwood was a street in lower Manhattan.
-Multiple people telling me I was brave for doing it.
This was usually followed up by a backhanded compliment like. Choose your favorite 'I could never do that', 'I like it, but it's not quite there yet' or the best was said on my first day of being blonde 'maybe you should go red instead'
-A man on the subway who decided to shout to the entire subway 'A blonde Chinee girl. That ain't right. That shouldn't even be legal. uh uh.' He then went into a tirade about how Chinese people eat sewer rats as a delicacy. So many things wrong with the statement, including but completely not limited to the fact that I am not Chinese.
-Random people feeling the need to touch my hair. Not okay.
-People assuming that I went blonde to be more 'White' or to get more attention.
-Being told that my best asset was my black hair. And that I am going to ruin it with the bleaching. See below pic for a before shot.
It has been a really entertaining de facto social experiment. Everyone has a comment - from the workers at the places I grab my to go lunch, to rando people on the street, friends and co-workers. And to be honest it is getting really tiring - for the first time since May, I am really glad I decided to do this just for the summer. I know the reasons why I did it - for fun, a new challenge, a new look, curiosity to try something I never did before. It doesn't go deeper than that. I know I don't have to justify my reasoning, but I do want to say one thing. For the haters who think that I went blonde to be more white - I have never wished that in my life - and why not flip the script? Who says that bottle Blondes should only be White?
To be honest, I think Luda sums it up best 'GET BACK GET BACK, YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE THAT!' xx
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hump Day Crush

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hump Day Crush
So I have been known to say that I love anything with a beat and am an equal opportunity employer, but have no love for country music ever. A friend recently introduced me to Lyle Lovett and his big band and I can't say that I am a country convert, but I can say that I enjoy Lyle throughly.
Previous to receiving 'Live From Texas' from a friend in the mail, all I knew about Lyle was that he was the strange, cartoon looking random guy who was once engaged to Julia Roberts. I sometimes wonder whether this song pictured below is about her.
Once I listened I realized that he was a man with an amazing voice, catchy tunes, introspective lyrics and capable of witty banter. His caricature like features seem to turn into rugged features, with each line and curve having a story to tell. Oh, and I think that he would also be a great ventriloquist if this singing thing doesn't work out for him. I kinda want a mini-version of him to hang out in my pocket. Totally never thought I would say this but Lyle Lovett, you are my hump day crush of the week. xx
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hump Day Crush
Chester French. I had heard about them a while back (Harvard grads who Pharrell and Kanye both wanted on their respective labels), heard some songs, saw them perform on some late night shows, but wasn't 100% convinced on them until I saw them live at Summerstage this past weekend. They rocked the crowd with their performance, were hilarious and DA, the red-headed lead singer somehow managed to pull off powder pink jeans. Also awesome was the fact that he seemed genuinely into their fans, taking the time to chat, hug and mug for pics.
Their debut album is a great listen, but mostly, what won me over was their free mix tape entitled 'Jacques Jams vol. 1'. (so clever!) As if stirring up a bidding war between Kanye and Pharrell to sign them wasn't enough, Chester French busted out collaborations with both of them, plus, Bun B, Diddy, Jadakiss, Talib Kweli, Common and Lady Gaga, etc. The beats are pretty sick, the songs are catchy, and the duo is charismatic and cheeky enough to pull off lyrics like:
-'but those eyes in your head, well they butter all my bread, and I'm looking for a girl who feeds me well'
-'bow tie is straight, ascot looks great, ready to lay some pipe'
-'she craves attention, so I use protection'
-'you're my Puerto Rican Pamela Lee'...
without seeming douche-y. Don't even get me started on the skits re: endurance or swimming in Ciroc filled pools.
I thoroughly enjoy when one of their songs/skits comes on the shuffle mix, so much so that I get myself into trouble when walking down the street and I giggle to myself. Doesn't hurt that the dudes are cute too! Chester French you are my hump day crush. xx.
Monday, July 20, 2009
At the end of it all it was you.
It finally feels like summer here in NYC - it started on July 4th, and continued this past weekend. So what better time than to enjoy the summer at Summerstage, a free concert series at Central Park. Saturday was beautiful, 82, sunny but with a breeze - the perfect setting to see Chester French and Q-Tip.
Evidently, us mere common folk weren't the only ones feeling it. Diddy, Cassie, Michael Rappaport, Fab 5 Freddy and Dame Dash were all there. Randomly ended up standing by the left side of the stage, near the VIP entrance and saw all of them. But found Diddy the most interesting to watch, mostly for his need for attention.
Chester French was an added bonus, but Q-Tip was really the draw for me. He killed it for an hour - working the stage and pulling from his vast collection of great songs. From Tribe days, to Amplified and Renaissance, with nods to MJ (see red jacket and some Jackson 5 moves) and James Brown (his DJ pulled out a towel and draped it like a cape). I was impressed.
Everyone was staring, like he commanded it. I don't know whether it was his bluetooth, or the fact that he was the only person who stood on the ledge of a trailer (which was unnecessary to see the show), or that he tried and succeeded in starting the crowd doing the double clap, or that during the 'Vivrant Thing' he decided he was feeling it so much he turned around and slapped/humped the trailer, or that he finally climbed on stage during 'Award Tour'. Probably, the combination of all of it. I know I couldn't help but notice - but I can say I didn't join in the double clap. xx
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hump Day Crush
With fashion throwing back to the strong shouldered 80s and early 90s for Fall 09 and beyond, there is something that I am enjoying about the 2009 re-vamp. And it isn't the Balmain shoulder pads, the sequins overload or the resurgence of bike shorts. I am enjoying the re-emergence of the Supermodels. Known by their first names, dominating shows, adds and even MTV (think George Michael's 'Freedom' video and Cindy Crawford hosting 'The House of Style'), these women epitomized the look of the times - curves, power and beauty.These models still look great today and hold their own in current ad campaigns (like YSL). However, I am glad to see the new guard, the 2009 versions wearing the 2009 versions of the 90s. And Lara Stone leading the way. Hitting the scene with an exclusive at Givenchy in 2006, Lara Stone became a fast favorite of designers and editors. (One of these pics below was a tear sheet I passed to my hairstylist to go blonde...) Recently a lot has been made of the fact that she has curves (she is a size 4), the gap in her tooth, her mouth. But, I don't think it's fair that she's broken down into parts - all I know is that she captures the feeling this moment, and that she looks damn good doing it. Lara Stone you are this week's hump day crush. xx

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hump Day Crush
I apologize in advance for not having a picture of this week's hump day crush. I will try to explain this week's crush as best as I possibly can, but please know it was near impossible for me to snag a picture without making a scene.
While riding the subway this morning, I noticed a woman wearing a cute summer dress, and also noticed a colorful tattoo on her arm. As I looked closer, I couldn't believe my eyes. The tattoo was of a short stack of pancakes, three high on a blue plate with a pat of butter on top. And coming up from the short stack was - wait for it - squiggles of steam. This isn't even the best part. There was a half moon of fruits encircling the steamy pancakes. 5 fruits in total, all with stick legs and arms, and googly eyes. I spotted a banana and two strawberries, but I couldn't make out the other two.
This has provided endless entertainment for me today. What was the motivation? And the story behind it? And why this for the rest of your life? I also loved the attention to detail (think steam squiggles!) And how did she manage to have a cute boyfriend? I also was telling a friend about it while walking down the street exclaiming 'you have to live with that for the rest of your life!' And in some witty NYC pick-up fashion, a random man on the street chimed in 'I'll live with you for the rest of your life!'
So thank you, to the short stack pancake tattoo for endless entertainment and smiles. You are my hump day crush and will put in an order at brunch this weekend in your honor. xx
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tenderoni You Got to Be.

So, I sized it out, placed my order on Zappos, and was so psyched to receive them. The first day I wore them to work, three people I work with ask me about them, and two of those three bought them. Kinda bummed that I no longer had the 'exclusive', I decided to just enjoy them. They looked cool, gave height (nude and height!) and they were so comfy (see orthopedic shoe store). So how bummed was I when the strap popped off from the left side not even a month in?
Motivated enough to call and email, I was prepared for a battle with Zappos customer service to get my shoe replaced. Turns out no battle - they were so helpful, friendly and so quick to respond. They knew my account history, sent me a prepaid UPS return label a $25 credit to a new purchase and free overnight shipping for life. Turns out they didn't have my size in stock, but they gave me back a full refund, no hassles. Totally recommend buying from them for their customer service alone!
But after all that, I was left without my shoes, and was seriously missing them. I manically tracked them down from a seller on Amazon (I struck out on the first five sites I tried), but cross your fingers that these suckers don't pop a strap since I doubt I will have the same luck with customer service the next time. xx
The City Winks a Sleepless Eye.
So this has been a strange summer so far. And even a stranger past couple of weeks. Between all of the rain in the city (rain rage), Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Steve McNair and of course Michael Jackson. All on top of trying to get through regular life. I know I have been neglecting many things, in life and in posting, could it be because I am now a blonde? (see post from April 8th)
But anyway, through all this, there have been some rando things that have been entertaining and a good distraction. One of these is Larry King. Really? You're wondering. Yes. Since everything is in re-runs for summer and with all of the MJ coverage I have been watching more Larry King than ever before, or really than I would ever want to. And it is so unintentionally funny, I am usually guaranteed a good chuckle. Here are my top three favorites of recent episodes:
1) While interviewing Lou Ferigno regarding his relationship with MJ as a friend and trainer, LK threw it to a break saying 'we'll be right back with Lou Ferragamo'. Returning from the break, he tried to correct himself saying 'I'm sorry, earlier I meant to say Lou Ferragamo' You can clearly hear Lou Ferigno correct him off camera and then you hear LK say to Lou 'what can I say, you have a weird name'
2) When describing MJ's accomplishments, he mentioned '13 Emmys'. Someone off camera clearly said 'Grammys'. He corrected himself and said '13 Emmys and Grammys'. And was corrected again and finally got it right with '13 Grammys'
3) Tonight, LK told John Mayer that 'the smartest thing the Jackson family did today was invite you'.
No offense to John Mayer, but really LK? Really? xx
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hump Day Crush
Bryan Greenberg. I haven't thought about him since I developed a major crush from watching 'Prime' when it played on HBO every other minute. He was so cute in it - there was something about him that was kinda fly but not too cheesy to have a sweet side to him. A strange balance that was definitely visible in the film, but hard to describe.
So I was wandering the internets this week, and turns out the boy sings. Well, he can sing. Actually, his voice is really smooth and there would be no complaints from mee if I was listening to it from one end of the phone, but boy needs to work on some of his lyrics. The hook is pretty good, but some of the rhyming is suspect (cheezeeeeeey), and it is definitely helped out by Kid Cudi.
However, coming from a girl who watched the terrible show 'October Road' (with a blonde version of Donna from 'That 70's show' since he was in it), who am I kidding, I totally would have paid $15 to see him in the flesh at Highline Ballroom. The jury is out on whether I would pick it up on itunes. xx
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